My post is addressed to parents whose children will start a new journey soon. They will go to a childcare or a school. It could be an exciting step for a child and a family, but it can be a challenging process as well. Not every family manages well with this transition time.
How to make it easy and smooth?
There are some hints that could help parents and their children to settle in this new life:
· Talk to your child about going to Childcare or School as a usual activity that many families do every day.
· Be prepared. Do a special shopping trip with the child and let them choose a lunchbox, drink bottle and maybe new clothes and shoes.
· Be positive: Share your enthusiasm for childcare or school and talk about the fun things that will happen.
· Read books about starting school together to help your child feel more comfortable. E.g. Stan & Jan Berenstain – Go to school.
· Establish a bedtime routine.
· Establish a goodbye routine whether it’s a hug and a kiss or a secret handshake.
· When you discuss pick-up time, do it in child style. E.g. I will pick you up before (or after) afternoon snack.
Hope these hints will help you. If you need more help and support, don’t hesitate to contact me.